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Refund Policy.

The billing system used by this website or our authorized agents provides extensive credit card fraud protection measures and includes many features to protect users from accidental charges. Therefore, we will only issue a refund in case the reported problem is proved to be well grounded and we feel that a refund is merited.

Refunds will be provided only under the rarest of circumstances and only after our Customer Service team carefully investigates claims using all data at its disposal. Refunds will be considered for the following issues:

- persistent technical problems originating with the service that have been reported to our Customer Service department.

- persistent issues with interactions with other users of the service. We do not provide cash refunds: the requested transaction is refunded back to the customer through our payment gateway.

If an issued refund is for a recurring billing, only the most recent payment will be refunded. At our discretion, a refund for a recurring billing will result in an immediate cancellation of recurring service. On issuing a refund, we reserve the right to add the customer to the negative databases of our associated payment gateway, and to any third party fraud prevention agents associated with our platform.